Want to create and maintain a soul-led career, work that feels freaking great? It starts with your body.
Your intuition is the language of your soul, your spirit. It whispers (sometimes yells) to you, nudging you in the direction that is meant for you. It relies on you picking up on the messages so that your mind and body may create your soul-led desires, including your career.
Your intuition communicates to you through your body. Your body is the receiver. With that, the better you care for your body, the better you can sense the subtle intuitive messages.
Your body is your spirit's earthly home, it is the vessel for your soul. It is a perfect vessel. And it's relying on you to maintain its clearness for receiving.
If your body is riddled with tiredness, fatigue, hunger, stress, and so on, it will struggle to be the receiver of your intuition. On the other hand, when you care for your body, you serve to be a clear receiver of your intuition. And, with consistency of care, you will strengthen your intuitive sense.
Please note, this conversation is not about weight or physique. It's about the care and maintenance of your body as a receiver of your intuition.
My clients get a kick out of the "happy houseplant" conversation that we inevitably and intentionally have. My question to them (and you) is, "If you were a houseplant, in what condition would you be?" There is a baseline of care that you will need to aim for (don't worry, you can start small) to create a strong foundation for being soul-led.
Here are some questions to consider:
How well are you caring for your body?
How much stress, frustration, and anxiety are you experiencing?
What are you eating and does it make your body feel good in the short-term and long-term?
How much water are you drinking and do you feel hydrated?
How much sleep are you getting? Are you taking rest breaks throughout your day?
How much movement are you allowing for your body to have?
How often are you in nature getting fresh air and sunlight?
Honor your body.
Right here, right now, vow to take steps towards honoring your body.
👉 Review your responses to the questions above. Then, commit to one or two small honoring changes that will help your body to feel better, to be more aware as the receiver of your intuition. Don't go too big. Instead, aim for easy commitment. And go (grow) from there.
Ideas; make a fresh meal, pre-fill your water, schedule mindfulness breaks, follow a wind-down routine before bed, eliminate coffee after noon, take a walk after dinner, etc. Note, those are generic ideas!
What I really want for you to do is take a really close look at the lifestyle you are leading. Take a really close look at what makes you feel good in the long-term. Get really honest about what doesn't. And then make your one to two small honoring commitments to care for your perfect vessel, your receiver, your body.
With care,
Angela McKay, ACC, SHRM-SCP is a Career Intuitive, Certified Vocation Coach, Former HR Executive, and Degreed Communication Expert. She is the author of “Daily Tarot Journal: using your Tarot and Oracle cards to open your perspective and intuition.”
Angela believes that when you open your mind to the wisdom of your soul, amazing transformation occurs. Your intuition and purpose are the practical keys to creating your very own career satisfaction.
In addition, she is a Certified Mind Rebel Coach and Certified Biddy Tarot Advisor. Her unique combination of skills allow for you to lean into her intuition until you strengthen and trust yours, a perfect partnership.