Intuitive moments, blink and you could miss them.
I often receive intuitive messages while listening to music. The ways in which I receive them vary. From the lyrics, to the music itself, to a feeling I get, or a single moment that catches me.
With that, I will occasionally ask for my guides (my spirit team) to deliver a message to me through music. As I listen to randomized music, I simply ask, "Guides, please make the next song a message for me that I can understand." I did just that this morning.
The song that played was "Have You Ever Seen the Rain?" by Creedence Clearwater Revival. As it began, I thought to myself, "Okay, I know this song. Not sure what this message is though." You see, when receiving intuitive messages, it's not a mind game. Your mind will not decipher the message. Therefore, it's a trap to think your way through receiving a message.
I let the song play, I sang along as I usually do. And, as if delivered to me in a flash, I thought, "CCR." For those "in the know" (and if you didn't know, you will now), Creedence Clearwater Revival is lovingly known as CCR. What no one here knows (but you will now) is that my next offer's acronym is CCR.
I've been working on it for a while now and am hoping to release it next week or the week after (so, details coming soon!) In the time I've been working on it, I've come to know it as CCR for short. As soon as that lightbulb lit up (thank you, guides, for the intuitive hit), I felt peace. Oh, hold on, let's talk about that quickly...
Intuitive messages will feel calm. Your soul (or spirit or however you want to refer to it) calms your body with its helpful intuitive guidance. If it's ego delivering the message, you won't feel that sense of calm. Instead, you might feel agitated, restless, etc.
Okay, back to the article...
I felt peace because I was divinely delivered an affirmation. The message from my guides was not a literal translation of the song. It was that lightbulb moment of "CCR" aligning with my current project. It was a nod to my path, affirming that I'm on it, that this is right for me. (In case there was any doubt because doubt is SO human.)
Question: In which ways do you lean into your intuition and spirituality when it comes to your career?
For some reason, somewhere along the line, a divide was made. Someone, somewhere (rather, I'm sure it was a collective movement over time) decided that the whole person doesn't belong in the workplace or in professional realms. However, you are a whole person as represented by your mind, body, and soul. None of you should be expected to be checked at the door and left behind.
In alignment with your highest good, your soul calls the shots so that your mind and body may create. To hear your intuition (the whispers of your soul, the calling of the shots), you have to tune in. It's there. I promise.
One step further, your intuition belongs at the decision-making table. It is a set of data, an important set of data. When did we become encouraged to leave it behind? Either way, let's bring it back. My CCR moment is a small and simple, yet effective, example. I am bringing my intuition into my business, into my professional realm. I know I am making the right move. My soul called the shots so that my mind and body could create.
It's funny (read: frustrating) to think that "doing business" has taken on a purely masculine (energetically speaking) connotation. What happened to the feminine (energetically speaking)? Again, who decided that we would check whole parts of ourselves at the professional door? It for sure wasn't me. I'm on the path of "doing business" balanced, harmoniously.
...anywho, that took a bit of a stance, didn't it? LOL. Thanks for reading. And, on this Full Moon (it's the Full Moon in Pisces, Virgo season, as I write this) I send you all so much love.
With care,
Angela McKay, ACC, SHRM-SCP is a Career Intuitive, Certified Vocation Coach, Former HR Executive, and Degreed Communication Expert. She is the author of “Daily Tarot Journal: using your Tarot and Oracle cards to open your perspective and intuition.”
Angela believes that when you open your mind to the wisdom of your soul, amazing transformation occurs. Your intuition and purpose are the practical keys to creating your very own career satisfaction.
In addition, she is a Certified Mind Rebel Coach and Certified Biddy Tarot Advisor. Her unique combination of skills allow for you to lean into her intuition until you strengthen and trust yours, a perfect partnership.